Surf competitions are a funny thing. I guess it all starts with judging, and it’s tough because it’s subjective to begin with. So, when you throw in junky waves, where do you go from there? Is “the best surfer” really determined when it’s 1 foot, 20 knots onshore, and minus tide closeouts? Everyone has been there, from local grom contests to WSA/NSSA to school contests to the big leagues of the WSL. So, with that being the case with last year’s EBRC contest, the club held its breath, hoping it wouldn’t end up with a repeat performance. 

The closer the event got, the more the forecast showed decreasing swell and an uptick in the wind. Aye yay yay. Everyone just hoped for the best and the day before things started to change. It was still a question mark, but either way it was just a matter of showing up and doing our best with whatever Mother Nature was going to throw our way. And what she finally threw… was glorious.

The club was greeted at dawn with ideal conditions, and it went on and on, heat after heat. Head-high plus waves, light offshore winds, sheet glass, and a mix of inside bowls, ramps, and tubes on the inside and long, drawn-out walls on the reef. With the higher tide in the morning, it was the fast and the furious… pure ripping and a super diverse set of styles across the board. Some went to the air, some went tube-hunting, some went straight to turns… and some did all of the above. And it was the latter that continually progressed throughout the day heat by heat taking people out three at a time. Women, groms, men of all ages – each group had standouts that eventually made the podium. 

One thing that was made completely clear is that Encinitas has some of the most talented surfers in the world. People got knocked out of heats that could’ve won a regular contest anywhere else. Literally every heat was stacked, and it was exciting seeing some dark horses upset a few “sure thing” finalists. A slice of humble pie is good for everyone from time to time. But fortunately, all were in good spirits and went with the all-for-fun community motto for the contest. And that actually made one other aspect of Encinitas crystal – we are all here for each other; we all have each other’s backs. Every home break has its little beefs and who’s mad at who for back-paddling three days ago. Ha! We’ve all been there, too. But at the end of the day, we don’t sweat the small stuff, we all hug it out, and we all want the best for one another. We’re a family. 

Lastly, there are both thanks and congratulations in order. First, thank you to the board members that put the contest together with an incredible amount of behind-the-scenes work, hours and more hours of bringing it all together. Secondly, a huge congratulations to both Jake Marshall and Alyssa Spencer for representing our EPIC hometown on the WSL world tour. Both have had ups and downs in recent years, and right now they are on top of the world. They made it, so let’s be proud of them. For all the groms reading this… keep shredding because you could be next! And no, 50-year + men’s division… I don’t mean you. Ha! You gotta love this place. 

– Trout