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This is a fun community event for all Members.
*PLEASE CAREFULLY FOLLOW THESE SIMPLE STEPS TO SIGN UP* To enter this contest you must be a current member.

  • Step 1: Become a Member FIRST by clicking this link here
  • Step 2: Don’t forget to ALSO sign up for the contest. Many people last year only signed up to become a member, and didn’t enter the contest. Click link here.

To all current members – If you have already renewed your membership this year, all you have to do is sign up for the contest, it’s free to current members!
Please DM us if you have any questions.
It’s going to be a fun day! There will be food, prizes, good vibes, and quality time with the community

Open Womens
10U Menehune Push in

Once again, please follow the instructions carefully listed above, and feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns.

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